5 tips on how to get job through LinkedIn
Spread the loveYes you are bored of hearing this if you want to get Job concentrate on LinkedIn than on Tinder or Facebook. Your parents and professors believe LinkedIn is a place to connect with professionals but they never taught you how to improve your opportunity using LinkedIn. You can take help of professional LinkedIn profile…
Why you should take startup jobs?
Spread the loveGrowing startups culture not only trying to contribute in economic factor but also opening new gates for fresh passouts to experiment their skills. Getting job is no more difficult now .If you know Photoshop or blogging or digital marketing then startups are searching for you but with above skills it is difficult to…
Why you should not join Startup jobs?
Spread the loveThough startup jobs sound sexier these days the real effort to bring a complete business from scratch needs effort from all levels right from middle level managers to bottom level. Everyone needs to put effort to make a business successful .It is not easy to start your career in early stage startups here…
5 effective tips for field sales executive
Spread the loveField sales executive one of the toughest jobs in business with high attrition rate companies are trying to retain their field sales executives through bond or through high salary and perks. It is the individual wish and commitments to stay in this kind of job. Some companies comfort them by reducing the work…
5 things you should avoid in resume
Spread the loveYes it really speaks for you, during interview you will be asked only from what you know or what you studied not more than that .Resume helps them to understand how skilful you are and help them to shoot suitable questions. But good resume will really help you to fetch good job. 1.Avoid…
How to manage business cards?
Spread the loveNo business exists without business cards it can be from vendors or from customers .You may be receiving lot of business cards but maintaining it effectively is quite a big task. All the cards are important so here we are writing how to manage business cards effectively. In case you are looking for…
5 effective roadside marketing ideas
Spread the loveIf your customers are inside their house then you can approach them through traditional ways like Television and Radio but if they are outside their house you need to make them remember your brand so out of door advertising is important for successful campaigns. Here we are listing 5 effective roadside marketing ideas for…
5 Effective Group Discussion Tips
Spread the loveYou can prepare in a week to clear the first written round but a week preparation cannot make you a good communicator. Communication skill is the most expected skill in corporates. Group discussion is a tool to test your communication skill it’s not only about how fluent you are in English actually some…
5 Steps before you start a blog to work from home
Spread the loveTwo lakhs users are searching for work from home jobs every month in Google but many of the techniques are ineffective and won’t fetch you money to survive. But blogging can bring you the money you want but you have to work hard and has to be patient .Here we are listing 5…