Cost effective ways to find an Alpha users to market your business

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Spread the loveAlpha users are also online users who is having high SNP(Social Networking Potential) compared to common users which means if he post something in Facebook or other social media pages engagements on the post will be higher compared to common man posting the same post. For example if you are posting a pic…

Branded Content marketing a marketing strategy for startups

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Spread the loveBranded Content marketing , content marketing and Article marketing are sounds similar though all the three talks about contents about your business but there are some minor differences. Like content and Article marketing Branded content marketing also helps you in SEO ranking. In content marketing you create contents and publish it in your…

Difference between Content Marketing and Article Marketing

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Spread the loveIt’s the dream of every business right from start-ups to established one to spend very little penny on marketing and to get more sales but in the digital world the dream is little bit modified they want to come up in Google’s first page to increase their sales volume. There are lot of…

Bizy Dale Nets one stop solution for startups

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Spread the loveIndia is the youngest startup nation with 72% founders less than 32 years and in third position globally with the number of startups crossing 4,200-Nasscom reported. Satyajeet found there is a huge market in this segment so he found Bizy Dale Nets a one stop solution for startups offering all services that startups…