Free Android App makers

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Free Android app makers need of the hour post

The advent of World Wide Web made business to come online irrespective of the size of the business. Websites played an integral role in business development and branding. Your product or service may be a top class one but if you don’t have a website it’s a common feel you are not branded.

Android is making the same damage to corporates and startups. Startups understood this better than corporates some startups exclusively focusing only on Android than WWW. Since the cost of the Android mobile is cheaper it’s plausible to approach middle-class consumers also.

But building an android app cost your business more than building an interactive website. But to help bootstrapped businesses like you there are some free Android app makers out there in the market.

List of Free Android App Makers


App.yet converts your HTML website into android app all you have to provide is your website link.

You have 100% freedom to display your android app in Google Play or in any Android markets.


Create your account –> Name your app –> Select package(it automatically takes) –> Choose Template.

Then you need to go for the General Settings like header image, app icon, Version and many.

Follow the screens it’s simple to build you need not any coding knowledge.



Here you have the choice to select the type of app like business, music, events, sports, e-commerce etc.,

Video tutorials and tech support to create what you want .

No coding ,drag and drop procedure to create your app faster.

No coding simple drag and drop method.


Both Video and chat support to successfully complete your app.

Features : Android App maker, website to App converter,iPhone app builder and many.


It’s a lottery for an entrepreneur who has more than 10 ideas here you can create an unlimited number of an app for free.

Support to publish your app anywhere without any restrictions.

A chance to monetize your app and share the 50% revenue with Appsgeyser.

You can build and publish an app in both platforms IOS and Android.
1.No coding 2.Tech Support
3.Custom Functionality with SDK 4.Social media Support
5.E-commerce with Shopify 6.Loyalty Program


6.Create My Free App

This program is also similar to the above-discussed app makers.In the free plan, you have limited features but in premium, you got some extra features like notifications, icon designs and access to source code.


If you know any other free android building platforms please comment down let’s make the list bigger. publishes useful and interesting topics for you follow us on Facebook and Twitter ,bookmark us in social bookmarking sites.

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