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Sometimes you may annoy of this feature when you wish to share more words to your followers but Twitter will restrict you. Here you can learn how to tweet long messages.

1. Use Image

You can tweet an image post .You need not to be excel in Photoshop there are many online tools available to create a twitter image for you. Else you can use PowerPoint to write and save it as an image. Picmonkey is an online tool with various features for easy editing.

2. Split up your tweet

Rather than delivering in a single tweet you can, you can make the long message in many split-ups and post it in a sequence. Online tools are there to do this you have to simply enter your long message they split-up and post it in your account in a right order. You can use Talltweets.com to split and post.

3. Submit a link

You can write a detailed post in Facebook or other social medias and simply embed the link in twitter so interested people will click and read the main content.

Exclusive online tools are also available for this, you have to enter your detailed tweet and click tweet they create a link for your tweet and host it in their site so when people clicks the link in twitter they will be taken to third party sites to read the complete tweet. You can try TwitLonger.com for this.

4. Shrink your message

Shrink your words, for example instead of writing “are” you can put one word “R” like this you can shrink almost all the words. If you don’t know how to shrink your words then you can use the online tool tweet composer.

If you know any other ways to tweet long messages please comment down we will add it up.

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