How to fix the missing visual editor on WordPress?

If you are reading this post then obviously you know I am running a blog called “” which tells blogging, marketing and interview tips to the needy. But fortunately, I missed my visual editor on WordPress recently and left clueless after reading tons of post and trial and error I found the issue and fixed it so here I am composing this how to the fix missing visual editor on WordPress.

You might have come across few points and some may be new to you so whatever it is just try all the points and find what really troubled you like I did.

How to fix the missing visual editor on WordPress?

Tip 1:Clear the cache

Your browser may be tired of your usage, so it’s time to clean its memory head just go and clear all the history in your browser it can be Chrome,Opera or Firefox .

Just go and flush it.

Tip 2 : Try different browser

Again this may be your browser fatigue so just switch over to another browser.

Tip 3 : Restart your system

You won’t believe me, I encountered a lot of problems by simply restarting my PC.

Tip 4 : Insert a code

define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

insert this code in your Wp-config.php file .

To access this file go to File manager à Access the root folder (Public_html) à Wp-config.php

Open it in the editor and insert the above piece of code in the PHP file right after PHP opening tag <?PHP

Open the editor and insert the line

Save the changes and close the file manager.

No go and press F5 on WordPress.Check Visual editor is visible or not?

Must read : This is for those who have little knowledge of PHP ,don’t search for the closing ?> PHP tag in wp-config.php file .It’s not necessary.

Tip 5: Replace wp-includes

Issues in TinyMCE js script could also bring this kind of problem.

Some bloggers suggest you replace the TinyMCE folder but it’s better to replace the entire wp-includes folder.

You can find wp-includes folder in the root directory (public_html).

Wait I tell you how to replace it continue reading….

Go to and download the tar.gz file

tar,gz file

Extract wp-includes folder from the file

Right, click on the wp-includes select sendto compress it as a zip file and upload it in the file manager replacing the old wp-includes .

After uploading , extract the file from the wp-includes zip file.

Hopefully, this time, you will see the visual editor. If not move on to next step .Don’t worry I will be here till you fix the problem.

Tip 6 : Deactivate the plugins

Some plugins may be causing a serious trouble.

Just go and deactivate all the plugins and activate them one by one and check parallelly whether your visual editor is working or not.

If not move on.

Tip 7 : Install JS plugins

Understand this first, if you are encountering this trouble then it is due to some error in JS file to visualize it .

Right, click on your WordPress editor page select inspect element and click console if you are seeing errors with word JS or Javascript with TinyMCE then you need to fix this for sure.

Go to plugin and search for Google Libraries

Google libraries” this plugin allows you to use common javascript from Google’s CDN.

Tip 8 : Change the permission

If your file or folder is restricted to read or write you may encounter this problem.

Just change the file and folder permission to 777 or 755 and check whether it is working or not.

You can change either by clicking on the folder in the root directory



Or while uploading a file.

File Permission
Tip 9:Check personal profile settings

If you are hosting your site on WordPress then go to personal setting and uncheck “ Disable visual editor”.

For other hosting, go to Admin panel and  under “Personal Options

Uncheck “Disable visual editor while writing

Uncheck the box

This was the issue with me.

This happened when I updated my WordPress.

If you have fixed your issue with these tips please comment down.

Do you know any other different technique to solve this please comment down below?



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