PetzApp for your pets
As per statements from Indian Pet Industry India is the fastest growing pet capital with 600,000 pets adopted every year. This numbers simply showing us how much Indians love pets but do they know right way to bring up their pets ? Do they know the best vet in the city? Do they understand their pet medical reports? Do they know pet events happening in the city? Do they know how to socialize their pets? To give solution to all these question Prathap Premnath the Chennai based guy founded Petzapp for your pets where you can find solution for all the queries related to your pets. When socialTalky fired  questions and he replied smartly for all our shit questions.
What is PetzApp?
PetzApp is a Pet Management mobile platform which aims to simplify the pet parenting process where pet needs can be fulfilled by clicking a single button. Via PetzApp, a pet parent can schedule appointments with vets, check billing activity, maintain digital pet medical records, ask online queries to vets from the comfort of your home, track pet events, buy pet products, schedule pet service appointments with vets, groomers, and boarders, adopt pets, and socialize with fellow pet parents. It works in tandem with VetzApp which enables vets to automate all operations at the clinic. It helps vets in appointment scheduling, billing, digital pet medical records, inventory solutions (tracking sales), online query resolution, and client activity tracking.
What motivated you to found PetzApp?
As a business graduate and even before, I was always entrepreneurially inclined. There was a period in time when I saw a gap in the market which was not penetrated by technology and frankly had a lot to gain by adopting it. Hence I came up with the idea of the dual apps – PetzApp and VetzApp to bridge this gap. It aims at becoming the leader in the USD 800 million Indian Pet Market which has a dearth of technology service providers.
What makes you unique?
While there is no direct competition in the clinic automation software market for vets separately, there are companies doing great work in the generic doctor market in this same sphere. While focus on vet-specific features, lower cost, and an offline capability for inventory and billing are some advantages, these are not viewed as sustainable.
However given the flexibility attached with a smaller company we can challenge the bigger ones by offering a platform which is inward focused on clinics where doctors can feel assured that their client database remains with them and they don’t have to compete in a marketplace for business. While other platforms attract clients with the listing of these doctors and compare different doctors, VetzApp has a unique Vet Code which it prompts the user to enter and hence vets can use it with only their clients without the client getting exposure to other doctors.
Why pet lovers should install PetzApp?
If you have a pet, he or she is sure to be an integral part of your life. PetzApp is an easy to use app which helps one save time and manage pet parenting more efficiently. It also enables transparency as many pet parents needn’t depend on domestic help anymore and can get all they want for their pet via a click of a button. Hence the benefits of this app, which is unparalleled among Indian apps is what we expect to shine through.
What is your future plans on PetzApp?
We are launching an e-commerce module which will help clients view the products which their vet in specific is retailing. They can place an order on PetzApp and get it delivered to their doorstep. Also from the business angle expanding the user base on PetzApp will be critical.
Please kindly share your suggestions on PetzApp to refine their knowledge on the market.