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No business exists without business cards it can be from vendors or from customers .You may be receiving lot of business cards but maintaining it effectively is quite a big task. All the cards are important so here we are writing how to manage business cards effectively. In case you are looking for business card for yourself, you can check with stationery shops selling customized and embossed stationery items.

1. Segregate your cards

Don’t put all the cards in one file have a separate pouches for vendors and customers may be more than two depends on your need .Don’t follow the traditional way of arranging them in alphabetical orders make a priority list and arrange accordingly or based on the category for example if you are in Concrete Industry you can make a categories like

  • M sand Suppliers
  • Cement Suppliers
  • River sand Suppliers
  • Aggregate suppliers
  • Water suppliers

Divide based on the service they are doing so when you need a cement suppliers you can catch them in two pages but if you arrange in alphabetical orders you may miss some when you are requesting quotation.

2. Scan the cards and feed in system

You may misplace the cards so it is safe to scan all the cards may be four in one scan as per categories. Make a separate folder in your system and save the cards this will help you to maintain your cards effectively.

3. Use Business cards scanners

You can choose important cards and use the mobile apps like Camcard scanner or Bcard scanner to save your cards smartly with an options to exchange your ecard with others and sharing it in social networks.

  • You can add notes
  • You can follow your contacts
  • Quick search
  • Easy communication

This is an effective innovation to take all your cards without any mess at anytime and anywhere in your pocket.

4. Write offers

Most of the business cards are blank back side you can make a note on back side. For example you can write the rough quote price by the sales people or special discounts from them don’t write paragraphs just simply write down important point that may benefit your business.

So whenever you are looking for a service from them this notes may help you. You can customize your business cards the way you want. You can also order Custom notepads from personalized stationery shops.

These four tips may help you to manage your cards effectively if you know few other ways please comment down.

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