4 free email hosting for your business no hidden charges

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Since all the communications happens only through email it is very important to have your very own extension rather than general domains like gmail, yahoo, Rediff etc. If you are a startup email id with your domain will make your customer to believe that you are serious about your business and chances of converting leads are also high.

If you are bootstrapped you may hesitate to invest money in buying your extension but there are few free email hosting websites are there to help you out.

Free email hosting

FreeOla is the UK based free email hosting website which  provides you many features in its free version like unlimited mailboxes, unlimited mailbox usage and webmail lite you can also access the mail through their freeola internet. Compatible with all the devices.



This is an amazing opportunity for startups to have their team on board for free you can create upto 25 users with 5Gb storage space and one hosted domain.


If you have the domain already then you can start signing up in ZOHO its really useful for your business. You can also upgrade to advanced features at low cost.


One.com provides free email hosting for one year after which you need to pay some penny to continue the service. They too have an option of 15 days money back guarantee.Even after free period it is easy and cheap to upgrade.



Pawnmail is a free email hosting with 2GB storage space, you can create your mail with an easy three steps register your domain, setup your account and manage it.


If you know any other free email hosting websites please comment down we will update the list.

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Image credit :thaimailservice