What should you do in 20s to avoid regrets in 30s and 40s?

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If you are enjoying your 20 make sure you will get the same opportunity to enjoy the same in your 30s and 40s. If you are troubling in your 20 then make sure you won’t repeat it in your 30s and 40s here I am writing down some points which could help you to make your 30s and 40s sweeter.

  1. Get enough education, this is the right age for you to spend in classrooms which could help you later.
  2. Make sure your job is giving you happiness if it is not start working today to find the better place for your happiness don’t stay in the same job in your 30 and lament. It is plausible to switch over the job you want if you are eligible.
  3. Do exercise till you get completely tired this is the right age to make your 40s healthier, maintain hygiene in all the possible way.
  4. Choose your lifestyle cleverly don’t follow because it is trending or your close friend is following it.
  5. Be proactive in financial planning it is little bit tough to follow it in 20 but it will teach you a lesson on how you have to spend in your 30. Financial planning in the sense your investment ,insurance, savings. Make sure you are financially independent in your 40.
  6. Be vigilant in choosing a right life partner so that your 30 won’t be messy.
  7. Follow your passion and improve your knowledge on it every day.
  8. Create an environment that you can live your 30 and 40 independently, not depending on anyone for any trivial reasons.
  9. Start helping your neighbors, relatives and friends when they are in trouble so you won’t be in problem in your 40.
  10. Spend more time with your family members.
  11. Gain more intellectual people around make sure you have some good people to help you when you are in trouble.
  12. keep focus on every word you are delivering , concentrate on your communication skill so that you won’t regret in your 40.
  13. Travel lot to build memories for later part of your life.
  14. Work on to create a brand value for your name like people can recognize you with your branded character.
  15. Get rid of small small phobias you have in your 20 .

Be responsible about your life in all the way, you are responsible for what you are now. Accept the fact that you are aging but feel young at heart. Share your views in comment section.

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