It is not Anna University its college of Engineering Guindy

Do you know where is Anna University located in Chennai? Then obviously you should know where the College of Engineering campus is located in Chennai ? If you don’t know please go through. Except Anna University alumni and students, no one knows that red building which flashes in news and newspaper is called College of…

Benefits of Investing in the Rare Earth Metals

Rare earth metals (REM) include seventeen elements, each having unique characteristics. Also known as rare earth elements, these are used in everyday products like cell phones, computer memory chips, batteries, etc. REMs are vital for the military, too, as their communication equipment and weapons incorporate them. These metals are commodities also impacted by economic cycles….


5 Ideas to Entertain yourself during COVID Pandemic

We have not even thought that during the year-end of 2019 December, met with a deadly pandemic. Things and lives went upside down. People lost their precious life due to Covid, some of them lost their jobs, school and college students forgotten their golden life. The situation was created where everyone one of us directly…

Seo Optimization Methods For Doctors And Healthcare Businesses

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a marketing tactic that you can use for finding potential patients. It will help you in boosting your website ranking on google. Thus, you can attract more patients. Your patients are not going to pull out their phone book and look for a healthcare provider. They will directly go…

Notable Benefits Of A Nose Job

A Number Of Positive Aspects People Don’t Consider There are a lot of misconceptions about nose jobs. Everybody thinks they’re just a vanity operation pursued by women for the purposes of maximizing their physical appearance. Certainly that goes on, but it’s not the only reason people get rhinoplasty surgery. It’s a common reason, but it’s…

How A Lactation Consultant Can Help When Nursing

Nursing Your Child Can Have Challenges Just because breastfeeding is natural doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. Walking is natural; have you ever stumbled before? It doesn’t matter how well-prepared you may be, when you’ve actually got to contend with weight gain, weight loss, caloric depletion, sore nipples, latching issues, and other associated factors, it…