Hybrid Working
Hybrid Working
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As more and more companies see the value in giving their staff more freedom during their work hours, hybrid office setups are becoming more and more commonplace. As an employer, making sure your offices are set up to accommodate this new style of work is important if you want to attract new talent (and keep your existing staff happy and productive). Here are some tips for setting up your hybrid office for success.

Comfort Should Be a Top Priority

Thanks to the hybrid model already having been around for a few years now, you will find that employees are more used to comfortable work environments that feel more like a home office than a traditional corporate setup. So, try and bring in elements that create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. This could mean replacing utilitarian blinds for softer curtains, including more throw cushions on the office sofa, or including a few more plants in your communal areas. Small touches of personality will help employees feel more comfortable in the office and be less jarring when they move between home and office.

Safety First

The covid pandemic shone the spotlight on office safety and ensuring that your office is up to standard has never been more important. Make sure that all workers have access to hand sanitiser, either through individual bottles or dispensers, and other PPE essentials like anti-bacterial soaps and disposable masks. Along with physical safety measures, you should also implement strict rules about staff coming into the office if they are feeling unwell. By prioritising the safety and well-being of your employees, you will create a culture that motivates staff to do their best as they feel like they are being taken care of and that their health is important. 

Create Spaces for Collaboration

When a large number of your staff are working from home, you will find that most of the work that takes place in the office involves project teams that need to collaborate and share ideas in a more comfortable setting than a Teams meeting. So, create collaboration zones where your staff can come together, share knowledge, troubleshoot issues, and socialise with their colleagues. If your office is situated in a noisy area, consider investing in soundproofing when setting up your collaboration zones to make meetings between internal and remote workers seamless and without interruptions.

Provide the Tools for Success

Giving your staff the right tools to collaborate successfully is vital if you want your hybrid team to thrive. Thanks to the upswing in remote working, there is a huge range of software solutions designed to help keep teams functional and effective despite their location. When looking into what software would be best for your staff, consider their needs carefully. Don’t forget to look into your online storage options to ensure that staff have access to their files from wherever they may be.  

In the UK alone, an estimated 25% of workers now work a hybrid work week, which means that the hybrid work model is not going away any time soon. Businesses that want to remain competitive need to make sure they are equipped to cater to hybrid working environments. By following some of the tips above, you can help set your office up for a productive future.

By admin