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I have been into SEO and Digital Marketing field since 2015. From the time I had stepped into this field I had supported and answered multiple questions for multiple clients from various countries and regions. They all have few questions about SEO, digital marketing and PPC in their mind and the interesting point is they are repetitive.

Even the beginners and intermediate level associates have these questions about the ever-changing SEO and digital marketing. Here is the complete guide to SEO audit and report tool.

Below is an online interview done with some of the experts in the digital marketing field. Their LinkedIn profiles are also provided if you want to network with them for knowledge sharing or project development.

#1: Content Quality or Content Quantity – Which one has higher importance for search ranking?

Manish Chauhan (AVP: Digital Marketing – ProProfs) : Ahrefs did research where they found that more than 90% of content never gets any organic traffic. This research itself proves that if you are focusing just on quantity without focusing on quality, quantity alone won’t work.

Google loves content that is well-researched and includes expertise on the subject. When you consistently produce quality content on your website, it builds up your expertise. If you can cover a topic from top to bottom, Google will improve your search engine rankings over time.

Whereas quantity content is the content that can be created quicker and doesn’t include comprehensive information on the topic.

Vignesh P Selvam (Digital Marketing Manager) : Content quality, relevance, informative, uniqueness and freshness of the content has more value than the quantity of the content.

Amit Panchal (Digital Marketing Consultant): For me, Content Quality is more important instead of Content Quantity!

If you publish more content with quality, it will help you gain organic traffic from the search engine on your website.

Wilson Masih (Digital Marketing Manager) : Content quality have the highest value in search engine. for eg: if your content quantity is good but the content is copied from other sites. then, your site will not gonna rank. Google bots read each and every words in your website carefully. So, definetely content quallity matters in search ranking.

Sunil Deshwal (Digital Marketing Manager) : Content quality matters as the Google algorithm focus on providing value to the audience.

#2: On Page or Off Page Optimization – Which one has higher importance for you in SEO?

Manish Chauhan (AVP: Digital Marketing – ProProfs) : Both. You can’t pick one and ignore the other. Both complement each other. On-page focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your control, while off-page focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites and you can’t expect success with only one method.

Vignesh P Selvam (Digital Marketing Manager) : On page optimization has higher importance in SEO. On page provides various information about your website / webpage that helps ranking you better on SERP results.

Without on page there no point of implementing off page optimization.

Amit Panchal (Digital Marketing Consultant): On-Page and Off-Page Optimization are both important parts of SEO. Because On-Page Optimization will help you make your website better, Off-Page Optimization will help you increase your authority through link building.

Wilson Masih (Digital Marketing Manager) : “On-page SEO is madatory for site without on-page you can’t move on off-page SEO. if you are ranking the site”. If you wonna improve your ranking game then off-page SEO will help you a lot. Off-page SEO is more important then on-page SEO and it’s hard to master in off-page SEO. if you are praticing legit tactics. Off-page SEO mainly refer to the link building, which is the one of the main point consider in ranking the site in search engine. so, that’s the reason, I consider off-page SEO more important than on-page SEO.

Sunil Deshwal (Digital Marketing Manager) : Both of them are equally important. It’s not right to call one more important.

#3: Who is your favorite influencer in the digital world? Why?

Manish Chauhan (AVP: Digital Marketing – ProProfs) : My personal favorite is Neil Patel. He might have plenty of haters and sometimes, even I don’t agree with his opinions but I like him because of his confidence and the way he has established himself in the SEO space. He is one of the top 10 online marketers by Forbes, he continues to push the limit on online business strategies with SEO.

Vignesh P Selvam (Digital Marketing Manager) : Matthew Woodward provides information on various topics with practical examples, reports and screenshots that helped me to learn and gain confidence.

Amit Panchal (Digital Marketing Consultant): I am following these influencers from Digital World!

1. @randfish – follow him if you want to upgrade your SEO knowledge and stay updated with Digital Marketing Trends.

2. @avinash: For Google analytics updates and queries.

3. @lilyraynyc: For SEO and Google Updates

4. @johnmu: He is Search Advocate at Google. You can follow him for Google updates

5. @rustybrick: For Digital Marketing Updates

Wilson Masih (Digital Marketing Manager) : I admire many influencers in the digital world but Brian dean is one of my favourite influencer in digital world. The reason I admire it because he provide genuine videos and blogs. his blogs help me to solve the issues in SEO. I always consider him, when I face any difficulty.

Sunil Deshwal (Digital Marketing Manager) : Neil Patel in SEO. Michelle Morgan and Issac Rundansky in PPC

#4: What are the latest SEO trends you have observed?

Manish Chauhan (AVP: Digital Marketing – ProProfs) : Google has declared 2021 as a year of user experience. Google is already rolling out a new ranking algorithm designed to judge a web page based on the perceived experience a user will have with your webpage. Google measures page experience by a new set of metrics called Core Web Vitals.

Apart from page experience, Google’s core focus now is on content quality. There was a time when you publish anything and you will rank but Google algorithms have evolved and with the concept like EAT, Google can easily differentiate between avg content and good content. So if you really want to focus on organic growth, you will have to have some expert either writing the content or proofreading that content, and then only you can expect success.

Vignesh P Selvam (Digital Marketing Manager) : 1. User focus

2. Page experience and core web vitals

3. Adapt quickly

4. Content depth

5. Internal linking

6. Automation

Amit Panchal (Digital Marketing Consultant): 1. Core Web Vitals

2. Video SEO

3. Voice search

4. Mobile SEO

5. Featured snippets

Wilson Masih (Digital Marketing Manager) : AI is changing the SEO industry. Also, here’s a reality: Google uses AI to furnish the searchers with results they are searching for. Many SEO expert are considering help of AI and ML.

Sunil Deshwal (Digital Marketing Manager) : I’m mainly into PPC so hard to answer this question. But I think, it’s to embrace the omnichannel approach for getting good rank even on Google organic search.

#5: What is the future of Digital Marketing careers in future AI world?

Manish Chauhan (AVP: Digital Marketing – ProProfs) : It’s true that automation and AI are taking over almost every facet of digital marketing and will continue to affect certain jobs and roles. However, we must also understand that digital marketing is an evolving field, what used to work a couple of years back doesn’t work anymore. Digital Marketers will have to use AI and automation for their growth rather than seeing it as a threat.

Only those digital marketers will get threats from automation or AI who are doing certain tasks and have not upskilled themselves with time. Those who are upskilling their skills will use AI an opportunity to improve their data analytics and marketing skills.

Vignesh P Selvam (Digital Marketing Manager) : Today AI and machine learning truly are leading technologies in marketing, and they can be used for all kinds of activities.

Helps you understand their audiences

Helps you in personalize offerings

helps you Research more deeply

Helps collect and analyze more massive amounts of data

Amit Panchal (Digital Marketing Consultant): Yes, even Google utilizes artificial intelligence to provide users with the results they are looking for, and search engines are becoming more human-friendly.

Wilson Masih (Digital Marketing Manager) : AI is slowly acquiring the SEO world by helping SEO experts to create more effective SEO strategies. Even some big companies like hubspot, frase providing AI based solution that can help companies with their SEO efforts. There is no doubt to say in coming years, AI will be the major trend in SEO industry.

Sunil Deshwal (Digital Marketing Manager) : In the AI world, digital marketers career will remain as lucrative as it is now but we must learn and use automated tools and strategies offered by platforms like Google, Facebook etc, and also other third-party AI tools.

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