Sumo me to double up your traffic

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If you are a blogger or digital marketer we always look for some magic to happen to double up your website traffic or you search online tools to help you out in this regard.

Related : 120+ free online tools for bloggers and marketers

To help you out, here I am sharing a free online tool to simply double up your traffic.

Sumo me is completely a god blessed package for bloggers and marketers. It comes with many wondering tools not to double up but to triple up your traffic and email subscription.

Being a marketer you know how important potential email ids are, sumo me concentrate more on building quality email database for you.

Email marketing is still unbeatable, it got 3800% ROI than any other marketing techniques. Building a quality email list will take your business to the next level.

If you have a quality list then you need not worry about website traffic you can do huge business with your very own subscribers.

Hey and if you are looking for an email marketing software I recommend you to try ConvertKit many leading bloggers and marketers are using this tool to multiply their growth.

Sumo Me got both free and pro service, based on your requirement you can change.

Let’s see how it helps your business

Unlike other plugins sumo me comes with a bundle of plugins like one time install many usages.

Sumo me Apps

You are given options to install sumo me on your website. If you are using WordPress you can install the plugin directly and start working on the dashboard.

If it is your own coded website then you can insert some script and manage it from sumo me account.

Double Traffic with Sumo Me

Let’s see how we can use it effectively

1.Buy Button

Now you can sell your products directly from your blog or from your website by installing Buy Button.

sumo me to double up your traffic
Buy Button

This option is very useful for bloggers who want to sell their books or video tutorials on their site.

In the free version you are allowed to sell only one product but in pro, you can list many products on your site.

So if you want to sell anything from you site you can use sumo me from now on.

To install BUY BUTTON you need to go to dashboard and Click my apps and then click BUY Button to activate.

It will ask you to enter product details just enter and generate a code.

sumo me to double up your traffic
Code to place Buy Button

Copy and place the script on your web page.


Awesome Highlighter.

This highlighter highlights any part of the article to share it on social media and it is highly customizable.

sumo me to double up your traffic

Using this feature you can increase your post share tremendously.

3.Scroll Box

This is  another magic from Sumo me to collect email ids.

You can control when your popup has to display and from where .

Sumo me to double up your traffic
Scroll Box

For example, if your viewer is reading a well-written article then in the middle after reading 50% of the page you can ask for their email id.

If your article is really informative then I can assure you get email id in return.

This feature gives you control over when and from which side it has to appear on the screen. It works equally well on mobile screens also.

4.Smart Bar

The smart bar is an advocate for your masterpiece or a gentle reminder to subscribe.

The smart bar sits on the top of the screen to remind users to take action what you intended.

Sumo me to double up your traffic
Sumo me smart bar

Either it can be an email form or as said earlier it can be your best post urging the reader to click on and read it.

Why don’t you spend $5 or Rs.50/-? : Pin on Pinterest – A Pinterest marketing guide for bloggers, marketers, and authors to increase traffic and sales from Pinterest.


Have you noticed “You may also like” at the bottom of some popular blogs? This is called Discover feature in sumo me. It’s like mutual sharing .

It works based on credits you earn .

Sumo me to double up your traffic
Sumo me Discover

For example, if your reader viewing any post under “You may also like” from your site then you earn a credit and use this credit to display your post on others site.

In the free version, you are allowed to promote only one article but in premium, you can list many numbers of links and double credits to twice the traffic.

6.List builder

This amazing tool helps you to build an email list by popping up at the right time to collect mail id.

It’s completely customizable.

Sumo me to double up your traffic
List Builder

7.Heat Maps

Heat maps tell you where your users are making most clicks or not.

It gives you real-time feedback which means if I am clicking a link on your site it will be immediately recorded and available for you need not wait for the next day.

By knowing users behavior you can monetize the spot or concentrate on a spot which is not getting any clicks.

Other than these features sumo me mesmerizes you with share, google analytics, content analytics and welcome mat.

The welcome mat is a full-screen call to action that turns up when visitors enter your site. Here you can put form to collect email ids or you can sell your books.

Sumo me doesn’t stop with this they provide a user’s real-time behavior to redevise your strategy.

From Sumo me app store at any time you can add or upgrade your version for a betterment of your website performance.

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I recommend all bloggers and marketers should try this feature once to double up your traffic. publishes useful and interesting topics for you follow us on Facebook and Twitter ,bookmark us in social bookmarking sites.

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