Crucial things you need to consider before setting up a startup

There would be a lot of fundamental considerations that all types of businesses should try and consider so that they can set up a new business enterprise. Setting up a startup business makes it imperative that you give these fundamentals a good thought. The first aspect that you should consider is that your central aim…

5 Best Ways Social Media is Being Utilized in Healthcare Today

Social media is being used nationwide, not only by individuals of all ages, but it’s also being used by businesses all over the world to stay connected, to communicate, and to also market different products and services. Social media is also very important in healthcare. Healthcare management teams are working hard to find ways to…

Preparing Strong Evidence for the Success of I-601 Waiver

California offers residency to nearly 11 million immigrants, and a majority of these immigrants have naturalized with well-documented legal status. However, the state provides safe living conditions and protects the legal rights of undocumented immigrants, as well. It has many laws under the California Legislature to protect its immigrant workforce from discrimination and retaliation. The…

No More Heavy Discounts from Amazon, Flipkart : Ban from Indian Government

Yes, you read it right. No more heavy discounts from Indian e-Commerce companies including the industry giants Amazon and Flipkart. Your dream run of getting heavy discounts from Amazon and Flipkart on your favorite brands and products is all set to come to an end. The government of India announced changes to the policy of…