Increase One’s Math Skills: Volume of a Cuboid and a Cube

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Geometry is a discipline of mathematics concerned with the study of shapes and sizes. It is concerned with the dimensions and shapes of items. It is one of mathematics’ earliest branches. It is instilled in youngsters as early as kindergarten. It’s one of those issues that necessitates a lot of background knowledge. Basic subject concepts are required to make the subject the best it can be. There are numerous shapes that make studying the subject fascinating and enjoyable. Some of the geometric shapes we investigate can be two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

We know that a rectangle is a four-sided two-dimensional shape. Imagine a shape that is created by stacking multiple congruent rectangles one on top of the other. A cuboid is the shape that results from this process. Examine the cuboid below, which demonstrates its three dimensions: length, breadth, and height.

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A cuboid is a box with six rectangular faces. The length, width and height of all the faces are equal. Cuboids can be used to store objects or pack boxes for shipping.

A cube is a special case of the cuboid in which every side has the same length. The sides of this rectangular solid are squares.

Volume of a cube= s*s*s

*Note: this equation only works for cubes made from rectangles whose sides do not change. You need to use the equation for rectangular solids with variable dimensions for cubes made from rectangles whose sides change.

The volume of a cuboid is calculated by multiplying the area of each face by its height (the distance between opposite faces). For a cube, the length of one edge is used as the ‘height’. The volume can be found using that side’s length and multiplying it by six. Area is a three-dimensional measurement, so one will have to find the area of every face and multiply it by six to get a total value.

A cuboid has two parallel opposite faces which are congruent squares, so those two surfaces have equal areas. Since all other faces are rectangles, their areas can be found using their lengths times their widths.

 For the volume of a cube, one edge is used as the height. The length or depth of each edge is multiplied by itself (the edge’s length squared) and then added together to find the total value. This means that one will have to know all three dimensions in order to calculate the volume. If they know any two, they can simply multiply them to get your answer.


  • Cuboid – has two opposite faces, which are congruent squares; all other faces are rectangles.
  • Cube – cubic unit which can be used to store, pack and transport goods; the length of each edge is used as the height (the distance between opposite faces) or depth.
  • Volume – describes size or amount of three dimensional space inside an object; can be calculated by multiplying the area of each face (which is a two dimensional measurement) by its height (distance between opposite faces); volume can also be found using three different equations; to find volume you need to know all three dimensions.
  • A cuboid’s opposite edges are parallel to one another.
  • A cuboid’s dimensions are length, width, and height.
  • Six identical squares make up the cube and six equal cubes make up the cuboid.

 So, here was some basic information regarding the volume of cuboid andvolume of cube . One can learn more about these concepts with considerable ease on the Cuemath website. With the help of Cuemath, students can shape their bright future and make their parents proud. It is an amazing platform to study maths and score the best in this subject. If you are interested in MBA, then you should checkout List of top institutions offering MBA for free in India this year.

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