Female Founders Provide Tips to Succeed in B2B For The New Year
Successful B2B female founders share their best advice on how to find success in the new year.
1) Share your brand story to increase relatability
When trying to appeal to other businesses, you want to find some common ground. This really helps with building trust between each other, and puts a face to a business. The future of B2B is all about collaboration, which can be difficult when you and another business don’t mesh well. Sharing your brand’s story (and even personal story), can make it easier for other businesses to relate with your story as they most likely have had similar experiences.
Tatiana Lapteva the founder of Lingvohouse goes on to say, these shared experiences can give you a leg up, and make it easier to build strong relationships with other businesses that can last a very long time. These relationships can also lead to referrals with other businesses, and gives you a chance to expand your social network.
2) Have congruence between all marketing channels
If you want to make sure businesses find you and are kept up to date with what is happening within your company, you need to ensure all marketing channels are sharing the same content. This omnichannel approach will ensure your business customers are receiving the same information and experience regardless of what social media platform or business website they are viewing.
Congruence within all channels also helps in terms of your marketing approach as you are reaching more consumers when you are in multiple places. It is an effective way to promote brand awareness and increase the chances of other businesses finding you.
3) Be available 24/7
Karen Lee the founder of Smart Robotic Home says, a B2B focused company, you need to ensure you are available 24/7. Especially if you are providing a service online to businesses all over the world, you need to take into account time differences. Offering the businesses you work with a private number to text or call, can ensure they are receiving excellent customer service. This helps to create a strong bond between you and your customers.
4) Look into podcasting
A business podcast can be a great way to increase your chances of success with your B2B company. A podcast is a very versatile form of marketing as you can not only talk about all business related affairs, but you can also use it as a chance to share unique content that will draw in other businesses.
A podcast can help add personality to your brand which can intrigue other businesses looking to use your services. It gives them a good idea of who you are and what your business model and morals are. You can also use the podcast to have other businesses as guests which helps to promote them. This is an extra service you can provide which makes your business more enticing.
5) Offer freebies
Offering free samples or offers to your customers is almost a guaranteed way of getting them in the door. When you offer a free sample, template or product, you are giving them a first hand experience of what you can do for them. If they like what they see, they are more likely to move forward with your business.
6) Listen, listen, listen
You can market as much as you want to other businesses, but if you don’t listen to their needs, you won’t have success in keeping them. It’s important to always be attentive to their needs, as well as do your research on their business so you have a good idea of how you can help them.
When you actively listen to your customers, you build up empathy towards them which gives you a different perspective. Other businesses will see this, and they will value the connection they have with you much more.