Why Should You Use Certified Translation Services?

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When your business grows and expands to international levels, you face an unfamiliar environment where culture is different. There can be a language barrier that can hinder your business from thriving in the global market.

But technology has helped remove the language barrier, and now people speaking different languages can conduct business even if they don’t speak the same dialect. 

To conduct business internationally, you need to speak their language, understand their culture and show them they matter. You start this by employing language translation providers with certified translation services to help improve communication with your consumers, suppliers, and partners.

One of the survey shows that the demand for translation jobs, especially the turkish translation jobs is increasing a good rate. Hence, this is a very good opportunity for you.

What are Certified Translation Services?

A certified translation is a certification document that accompanies a translated document and has a translator’s signature to certify that it is professionally translated and is accurate and complete to the translator’s best knowledge.

Any professional translator can certify their translations or other people’s translations as long as they read and testify that the information is accurate and reflects the original document.

Although individuals can certify translations, it’s best to use a language translation agency that has professionals with a wide range of experience and can cover a multitude of languages.

Why Use a Translation Agency for Your Certified Translation Needs?

  • Accuracy of information: Translation agencies have vast experience in translation services since they work in different languages. They also understand the dos and don’ts of the field. They will ensure that your work is correct and precise before the certification.
  • Saves time and money: Since they’re always available and have the workforce, they will translate your document on time and certify it before deadlines.
  • High-quality work: They have better resources compared to individuals. They can translate complex documents efficiently. This is because they have linguists who have vast experience in the field.

A translated document must follow the rules and regulations, be accurate, and convey the same message as the original document. In addition, a certified translation should attest that the information on the translated document is the best copy of the source document.

What are the Contents of a Certificate of Translation?

For the certification statement to be valid, there should have the following included:

  • Translators qualifications
  • Language of the translated document
  • Statement of the accuracy and completeness of the document
  • Translators name, signature, and date 

The translator’s credentials show that the document is proficient in a court of law or any other matter.

The American Translators Association provides sample certification that you can use to make sure your certification statement is valid.

Always check what your client wants on the certification and prepare the certificate based on their needs and preferences.

Does a Certified Translator Prepare Certified Translation?

Sometimes these words can confuse people, especially those who are new to translation services.

  • A certified translation is a certificate that guarantees that the translated document is correct and complete. People mistakenly believe that only accredited translators can do certified translations. However, a certified translation can be prepared by anyone with translation skills.
  • A certified translator is a professional who has completed a certification exam to prove their ability to translate in a specific language. The American Translation Association (ATA) certifies the U. S translators. However, to work as a translator, you do not need to be certified.

Certified Vs. Notarized Translation

Certified translation is a certification statement that accompanies a translated document, certifying its accuracy and completeness. Certified translation is signed by a translator and does not require a witness for it to be valid.

Notarized translations are where a translated document is certified by a notary or solicitor of its authenticity. The translator takes their work to the notary public and signs an affidavit attesting to the document’s accuracy.

The notary public signs and stamps the affidavit for it to become valid for any legal matters, unlike certified translations, notarized translations, focus on following protocols rather than quality control. 

You may need notarized translations in degree certificates, professional qualifications, diploma qualifications.

Can I Use Both Certifications?

No. You’ll only need one, depending on the type of document. For example, for notarized translations, you can use it for academic translations.

Legal and government documents are the ones that require certified translation; they include but are not limited to: marriage certificates, adoption agreements, birth certificates, title deeds, business contacts, and court transcripts.

Documents that Require Certified Translation Services

The following documents require translation by a certified professional in the field:

1. Commercial documents

You might want to use this service if you cannot understand the documents you receive from your international business. Documents that relate to the continuity of your business and require your attention, like balance sheets, bank statements, tax reports, and income statements.

If these documents are not translated accurately, let’s say, like the tax reports, you might find yourself in trouble with the tax authority of that country for tax due and you have not paid.

2. Legal documents

To prevent being on the wrong side of the law, you must get all of your legal documents translated and validated by professionals. 

3. Medical reports

Medical reports that are correctly translated can save your life. People who travel abroad for medical care may encounter language challenges and cannot communicate with doctors, but they can rely on their medical records.

Also, a business that deals with medical devices can use certified translations for machine specification documents translated from to a different language.

If an inexperienced translator translates a medical report and makes mistakes on the translated document, the person will be treated based on inaccurate information.

To avoid such situations, it’s always good to have certified translation services for all your translation needs.

Bottom Line

You can lose your customer if you use uncertified translations for your business transactions because of errors. Also, there are no guarantees of safety and confidentiality. When dealing with international markets and other professional niches, a certified translation is the only way to ensure your target market gets you information as accurately as you present it, and you receive information with no discrepancies. This promotes business validity.

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