We always want to improve ourselves better than yesterday. It could be our professional life or personal life but we always dream to improve ourselves. In this era of internet, sticking to our schedules is not the only way to improve ourselves, but we also need to stick to some useful websites. So, here I am listing out few useful websites that could improve your efficiency.
1. Keybr.com
This simply and effectively designed website will improve your typing skill. Regular practicing will make you type without having sight on your keyboard. It is fun practicing here. I tried and it really works.
2. Spreeder.com
This one helps you to increase your reading speed. They help you to read faster comprehend more to improve your productivity.
3. Paperbackswap.com
This website helps you to read more books at less cost and also you can get the idea on what others are reading. Here you can swap your books with other users.
4. Keepmeout.com
This website will prevent your addiction on websites. You can set a time limit for a website and store it in your browser if you spend more time on the respective website it warns you.
5. Stickk.com
If you have the problem of sticking to your goal you can sign a commitment contract here and Stickk will do the rest.
Read : 8 effective ways to work from home
6. Trello
An online project management tool to organize and to share the project status with your teammates. A useful tool for startups and project managers.
7. Memrise
Memrise will help you to learn new languages easily and faster.
8. Privnote
Are you sending sensitive information to others? Then privnote will help you do it without any tension. Visit the site to know better.
9. Tripit
Tripit helps you to organize all your travel related stuff either it is personal or for business.
10. HundredZeros
If you are fond of reading then this website will help you to find the free kindle books.
11. Polishmywriting
Rather than going through each and every line and worrying about grammar this website will help you to correct the spelling and grammatical errors by simply copying and pasting.
12. Instructables
Step by step instruction for various task simply watching the video you can now learn how to complete it on your own.
13. Allrecipes
Thousands and recipes with many reviews will help you to learn and eat new recipes.
14. Hometips
Delivering free advice to homeowners on how to fix, how to install or build and how things work .This will really help us to understand our house technically.
15. Ted
A place where you get motivated by popular speakers around the world.
16. Visuwords
A graphical dictionary helps you to understand and memorise the word easily.
17. Picmonkey
An easy to use online photo editor with many attractive features. Easy to make cover images for your profile.
18. whatshouldReadNext
This one suggests what you have to read next, by simply entering author or book name it will give you many suggestions from the respective genre.
19. Talltweets
This website will help you to write more than 140 character tweets.
20. Quora
One of the most useful websites where you can learn more by asking and writing.
If you know few other useful sites please comment down, will add it up.
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