Five Steps in an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

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Spread the loveIn recent years the field of influencer marketing has truly become a thing of the past. The industry has more than doubled in market value, and in 2021 has reached a value of $13.8 billion. If the market’s value is rising so rapidly this strategy is successful for the companies that invest in…

Using Google Cloud? Here Is How Unikernels Interact With This Platform

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Spread the loveWe have all heard of Google Cloud and its innovation and technological advances. What you may not be so aware of, however, is that it can interact with unikernels. Unikernels are a way of delivering software as a singular unit. It can only work on one process at a time, and it runs…

What To Look for in a Property Manager

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Spread the loveMost of the time, owning a rental property is always a worthy investment. However, with the reward comes to the responsibility of being a landlord. For most people who find managing tenants difficult, the solution is in hiring a property manager. That being said, as noted by Steven Taylor Los Angeles, handling tenants…

Decorate Your Walls stylishly with Designer wall clocks

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Spread the loveThe walls of your home are reflective of your approach. They are the most excellent expression of the exclusive style of your artistic side as a home-maker. Embellishing the walls thus becomes significant. Wall clocks, decals, paintings, stickers, panels are several of the most extensively used add-ons for walls. They have been a…

The importance of considering web development as part of SEO and inbound marketing

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Spread the loveBefore we get started, let’s define a few things. What is web development? Web development is a highly specialized field of computer programming. There are many facets to web development, but the most important one for this article is HTML and CSS. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and it’s the language…

Top 5 Tips For New Highway Drivers In Los Angeles

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Spread the loveDriving on the highway can be a relaxing and peaceful activity, especially if there is beautiful scenery. However, highways can also be one of the most dangerous places to drive your car. Despite the risks, new drivers must learn the basic etiquette and unspoken rules of driving on the highway. In this article,…

Virtual office vs. traditional office – why remote workers are taking over the globe

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Spread the loveIf you are considering starting your own business, working remotely throughout various locations in the city, and avoiding traditional office spaces, then you’re not alone. The world has shifted in the past year due to the pandemic, showing that we don’t need to do everything in person. Instead of driving one hour to…