Improve Your Problem Solving Skills

Step by Step: 5 Methods You Can Use to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

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Problem-solving is a crucial skill that will serve you in both your personal and professional life. It empowers you to tackle challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve your goals effectively. 

If you think you’re a disaster on the problem-solving front, we have good news for you. Problem-solving skills are not fixed. Instead, they are something you can develop and improve over time. Below, we introduce you to five methods you can use to enhance your problem-solving abilities. 

1. Define your problem

The way you approach rejection after a job interview will differ from how you approach a rejected home insurance claim. Both involve rejection. However, each necessitates an entirely different plan of action. The key to establishing the right plan of action lies in defining the specifics of each problem. To find this out, ask yourself:

  • What is the root cause of the issue?
  • What are the specific symptoms or challenges associated with it?
  • What are the goals or outcomes I want to achieve by solving this problem?

By breaking down the problem into its essential components, you give yourself a clearer view of its parameters. From here, you can start to identify potential solutions.

2. Conduct a literature review

Once you’ve defined your problem, the next step is to seek out relevant data, facts, and insights that can help you understand the problem better. People often refer to this as “research” but what you’re really doing is the first step in research – a literature review

What you’re doing is assessing what’s currently known about your problem, including potential actions that may solve it. Depending on the nature of the problem, this may involve reading, talking to experts, talking to others who have faced similar problems, and analyzing your findings from these various sources.

Information is power when it comes to problem-solving, so invest the time and effort required to carry out this step effectively.

3. Generate a list of possible solutions

With a wealth of relevant information gathered, it’s time to brainstorm potential solutions to the problem. During this phase, it’s important to tap into your creativity and be open-minded. Explore a wide range of possibilities, and consider involving others in the brainstorming process to inspire more innovative ideas. Keep a running list of your potential solutions.

4. Select a solution to test

With your list in hand, it’s time to evaluate and select the best one. Consider factors like feasibility, effectiveness, cost, and time required for implementation. Use methods like pro and con lists, decision matrices, and SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to assess each option objectively.

The best solution may not be the most obvious one, so remain open to unconventional ideas. Your main focus should be to select an approach that aligns with your goals and addresses the root cause of the problem.

5. Implement your solution and monitor the results

Now for the exciting part – implementing your chosen solution. Create an action plan outlining the steps you’ll take and the expected timeline for execution. Once you’ve put the solution into action, monitor its progress and effectiveness. Assess whether the problem is being solved within the expected timeframe, and make adjustments if necessary. 

If your solution just isn’t achieving the desired results, that’s still good news. You’ve learned from the experiment, and by monitoring the results, you’ve gained valuable data to inform your next attempt at finding a solution. Simply return to your list, select another option, and repeat the process.  

Work through these five steps consistently with each challenge you face, and you’ll soon evolve into a more effective and confident problem solver.

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