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If you are trying to learn more about your target and find out the driving force behind customers using your business, and determine why your customer may not be happy with your current product or services, you need to conduct a survey.

By asking your customers valuable questions that can provide insights into their buying habits, their interests, and their feelings about your business, you can then tailor your products and services towards their needs.

After all, if you have a niche market and dedicated customs, you need to keep them at all costs! By making them feel heard and appreciated by using surveys, you can show that you are taking their opinions into account to create the best possible products and services for them to use.

But how can you increase employee survey response rates? Is this different from customer response rates? Along with having high customer satisfaction levels across the board, you must make sure that your employees are also on board with your tactics.

Are your employees unhappy with the way that you are doing business? Do they need time off? Do they want to interact with customers differently? Finding out what works and what is not working is key to being able to increase your employee satisfaction level. Read here how you can increase employee survey response rates to further communication within your business. 

How to increase employee survey response rates

Unlike customer surveys, where the desired rate of response is around 25%, the desired survey response rate for employers comes out to at least 50%. This is because the more that you know about your business, the better!

You want to make sure that your employees are invested in the company and that you are treating them fairly – by gaining insight into the daily working conditions and what is not going correctly in your business, you can fix the issue before employees leave or quit.

When you are conducting employer surveys, you tend to keep in mind that a “perfect” participation score is not always the ideal measure.

If you find that you’re having high employee response rates, around 90-100%, this can usually indicate other measures are not beneficial to business success, such as coercion by management staff, unfair incentives, and other reasons.

Instead, a survey response rate that is above 50% and ranges between 60 and 80% is usually the desired target range.

If you can get around 80% of your employees to respond to your surveys, you are learning about the people within your company and you know the results are almost 100% accurate. Since you are getting the opinion of every 4 out of 5 people in your business, you can learn about the details of your business to figure out what you can change.

You can typically increase the employee survey response rates by offering fair incentives, doing the surveys in person during the workday, and using other rewards. 


Conducting employee surveys is key to figuring out what is working in your business, what needs to be changed, and what the employees are unhappy about. Increase your employee survey response rates by using fair incentives as you can get to between 60-80% of employees responding to your questions!

By admin