Connected TV Ads 101: Everything You Need to Know

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You may have heard of Connected TV advertising but not know exactly what it means, and everything that goes into it. You will need to follow some particular specifications to ensure your ad meets the requirements of your target audience and the standards of the various networks and platforms you will be advertising on.

Business owners and advertisers need to understand these requirements to ensure they are properly prepared to advertise through this channel and get the best results possible.

Here’s everything you need to know about CTV ads and how they can help your business succeed in this new marketing arena.

What Are Connected TV Ads?

Connected TV marketing is a new way for businesses to reach their target audiences. Businesses can create custom ad experiences for viewers by targeting specific demographics and interests. Connected TV ad specs are the guidelines for creating these ads, and they vary depending on the platform you’re using.

For example, if you’re advertising on Roku, the video must be 720p or 1080p. If your campaign runs on YouTube, it must be in a 16:9 aspect ratio with no higher than 500Kbps resolution. Business owners who plan on creating connected TV ads should read through the specifications of each platform before starting their campaigns.

Understanding how to adhere to these standards will ensure that the ads run smoothly and efficiently. It’s important to get all the facts straight beforehand, so you don’t have any problems after going live.

Once you’ve finished reading up on specs, start brainstorming ideas for your ad! Think about what message you want to send and what would work best for your business.

Take into account the platforms you’ll be utilizing, and try not to duplicate content from other channels where possible. The more unique your ads are, the better the chance that people will notice them among other noise from competing brands.

Why Are They so Effective?

Business owners always look for new and innovative ways to reach their target audience. Connected TV advertising offers a unique opportunity to reach consumers interactively and engagingly.

Plus, Connected TV ads are highly effective because they are targeted and personalized. As a result, business owners who utilize this type of advertising can see a significant return on investment.

Ultimately, businesses want to know what kind of ROI they will get before committing to any form of media. However, the best thing about Connected TV ads is that you can easily see how many people watched your commercial after it aired without making any assumptions. In turn, this leads to better reporting and ultimately higher ROI.

One last perk? These commercials can air at specific times when most people are watching television instead of during prime time, like other forms of advertising.

In addition, there is also less competition because not many companies use this method yet compared to other types of media outlets. Overall, the opportunities and benefits associated with Connected TV ads make them a great option for small and large business owners!

Who Do I Need to Work With?

You’ll need to partner with a Connected TV ad platform to deliver your ad. Then, you’ll need to create an ad that meets the platform’s specifications. The specifications vary depending on the platform, but you’ll need to create a video file in .mp4 or .webm format.

The video should be high-definition (1080p) and between 15 and 30 seconds long. It’s also important to ensure that you follow any special instructions from the platform, like the recommended maximum bit rate.

What Do I Need to Get a Better Ad

A few more tips for creating an effective ad include having clear branding so viewers know what product they’re watching and using clear CTA language so viewers know what action they should take after viewing your video.

Another key element to consider when designing ads for connected TVs is music. If you want to use background music in your video, it must be pre-cleared for broadcast. If not, it will likely get muted by the ad platform.

What’s the Process from Start to Finish?

The process of creating a connected TV ad begins with an idea. Once you have your concept, you’ll need to develop a script and storyboard for your ad.

Next, you’ll work with a production company to film and edit your ad. Finally, you’ll need to purchase airtime on a Connected TV platform like Roku or Amazon Fire TV. Once the ad is live, viewers can view it from their TVs at home.

Viewers can use the remote control with their device to scroll through channels to find commercials, which are usually placed between two regular programming segments. Connected TV ads typically last 10 seconds, but can go up to 30 seconds long.

What Budget Should I Set Aside for My Campaign?

Regarding budgeting for your Connected TV campaign, there are a few things to remember.

  • You need to determine your overall goals and objectives. From there, you can begin to allocate a budget that will allow you to reach your target audience.
  • You need to consider your ad’s production value and other associated costs.
  • Leave some room in your budget for testing and optimization.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to optimizing your advertising campaign, so be sure to experiment with different formats and content until you find what works best for your business.

One example of a good test would be to run your video ads on both linear and digital platforms simultaneously, which might lead you to find out which type of platform performs better for your product or service.

What Channels Should I Use?

For new advertisers just getting started with Connected TV advertising, YouTube should be an obvious choice. It offers comprehensive targeting options, has high viewer engagement rates, and has plenty of high-quality inventory available at all times.

What Type of Content Works Best on Connected TVs?

Video content is king when it comes to Connected TVs. After all, that’s what people are tuning in to watch. That said, you’ll want to ensure your video is high-quality and engaging.

Interactive elements can also be effective on Connected TVs, as viewers are used to interacting with their screens. Keep your ad creative fresh, and make sure it’s relevant to the show or movie that’s currently playing.

What Rocks My Boat Might Sink Your Ship

While many brands have successfully advertised on Connected TVs, there’s still no guarantee that yours will resonate with viewers. Therefore, it’s important to test different ads for effectiveness before launching any size campaign.

A good starting point would be 30 seconds worth of live TV spots. Then, measure the number of impressions, engagement rates (time spent watching), and other KPIs based on the spot to see which ones work best for each type of show. Once you’ve figured out the most effective strategy, scale up your efforts to ensure maximum reach across this growing segment.

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