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With fast-moving and ever-evolving advancements and developments, companies are incorporating technological ideas into their corporate plans. Marketing strategies have a similar fate; with increased knowledge and information readily available, it is becoming necessary to use digital media to promote business. Amongst many different plans and policies, some useful ones stand out by promising a higher ROI.

Content marketing has become an essential component of a successful digital marketing plan. It is an amalgamation of different and effective tactics to pique potential customers’ interest in your product. This way, you are not directly promoting your business but still building brand awareness by allowing the readers or viewers to learn more about you. Link building through content marketing is what’s going to lead the interested consumers to your website. There are several ways to build links through content marketing; let’s have a look at some of them:

1. Social Media

Developing contacts through social media gives you insights into how many and what kind of people could be interested in your product. Therefore, it’s better to integrate it with content marketing. It is more promising and cost-effective. Here, you can use images, videos, or written content to build product awareness. You can add backlinks to your profile bio or about us, which would lead the audience to your webpage. It will increase web traffic and also build credibility. Under the posts you make on Facebook, you can add links to relevant web pages. You can also add swipe-up on Instagram stories which would redirect the readers to the webpage. Besides, you can use CTAs like Learn More or Contact Us buttons on social media sites like YouTube and Twitter.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are getting a lot of hype online from the significant number of followers on social media. It’s limited to mainstream media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Still, it is becoming more effectually common on applications like TikTok and Pinterest. With the help of these influencers, you can bring the audience’s attention to your content. Link building is commonly used in influencer marketing to make it more effective and to increase lead generation. As a marketer, you will ask an influencer to talk about your product positively. For this, you can send them a PR package or some amount of money. Their followers, who look up to their lifestyles, would want to bring in the same product in their lives too. The influencers can add backlinks to your profile in their bio, posts, or stories for people to go and surf through your content.

3. Guest Blogging

Blogging has achieved an immense amount of attention from online readers all around the world. The wide array of blogs and articles that come up with just one search helps people make the best use of the internet. Bloggers are putting more effort than ever to enhance their writing skills to produce the most comprehensive and valuable blogs. As a marketer, you need excellent and practical content-creating skills and a way to develop intriguing yet informative content. Write up an article, take care of the quality, grammar, and relevancy, use trendy words, and correct language tone. Then ask blogging websites to publish your article wherever they find your niche. Just make sure that your writing uses SEO and backlinks, redirecting the readers to your website. This way, you’ll be able to build link effectively and incorporate it in your content marketing strategies, leading up to more website traffic and lead generation.

4. Expert Round-Ups

Expert round-ups are one way to increase web traffic on your page and promote your product but still be discreet about it. Through interviews and podcasts, gather information from experts regarding the products they have used (in your niche) and those they recommend. List them in an article, review and advise them according to the experts. Then build backlinks in that article that lead the readers to your products and repeatedly use your product’s name. Readers who trust these experts are likely to think they are making an informed decision before going for the recommended product or has positive reviews. Before all this, ensure that you have the experts’ permissions to publish that Round-Up.

5. Videos

Videos are an effective tactic of content marketing. It’s because people find it easier to watch a few minutes-long videos rather than downloading and reading long texts. Marketers can innovate the video content, including DIYs, multiple uses of a product, and demos to use the product. These are useful for the viewers, and they tend to watch them again and again because they find them informative. Increased views bring these videos to the top of the recommendation and search results. Creative ideas and originality can make convince the viewers to get one of these products for themselves. Sometimes, well-known pages and community channels feature products in their videos to show different life-hacks and techniques to their watchers. It is an immensely advantageous technique. Make sure to backlink to your website in the description of these videos.

6. EBooks

EBooks are a great way to build links through content marketing, as they are quick to produce and easier to sell. They compile many different articles, blogs, and written content on a topic; adjoined in a single book. Readers tend to download it into their devices in exchange for their emails or contact numbers. It allows business to improve their lead generation by enhancing email marketing and relative promotional strategies. EBooks come with an option to add backlinks that require a single click to be redirected to the desired webpage. Besides, you can add these backlinks at the end of the eBook, in resources columns. People tend to visit the linked sites to find leads about where they could buy this product. It is not only cost-effective but also an essential brand-building scheme.


Since content marketing is now in trend, it is essential to realize that marketers need to learn and move according to the new world’s requirements. Content marketing is more about blending as well-wishers of potential customers rather than becoming communicators of your brand. Hence, it is essential to provide the audience with what they desire to see and read.

By admin