Hotstar USA Subscription Offer (Promo Code Included)

Use promo code CMP41704 and get $5 discount + $20 coupon from + $100 Hotel Gift Card.

The current price of the package is $49.99 per entire year. So, you will get it for just $44.99 and $120 worth gift cards.

Valid only on USA annual sports and entertainment package.

Hotstar USA Subscription Offer

Stop running behind pirated websites and unofficial cricket streaming sites. You may end up losing your mobile or laptop with the kind of viruses being sent along with these links.

Virus creators and hackers are looking for opportunities like this to enter your devices. They lure with free streaming of cricket or football to intrude into your devices and hack your details. Read Hotstar best shows you cannot miss

Also, what if the cricket match live stops suddenly at a crucial moment? You will lose all the fun. Watch legally, royally and with peace of mind.

Click on “Have a promo code?” link on payments page and give the promo code CMP41704

HotStar Promo Code Details

You have to share this offer page on your facebook to receive the $100 Hotel gift card. There is no expiry date for the hotel gift card. You can use portions of the gift card any number of times.

Provide your email in this form once you signup with promo code CMP41704 and shared the link on your Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn to get extra $100 free gift card within 7 days to your email.

Hotstar Extra Discount Trick :

Here is the little dirty simple secret. The Hotstar account can be used in 2 different devices at a time. In other words, 2 people can watch same Hotstar account at a time.

So, share your account details with a friend and share the cost with him. This means, you and your friend can get it for just $22.5 per year (= $44.99/2 = $22.5).

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