Facedrip Features and Review – Artificial Intelligence Assisted Interactive Video Creation

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Have you heard about Interactive Videos and Facedrip? If you have not then you are missing out on an amazing marketing tool for your business. Facedrip can help you in taking your digital business to a new level. You can increase your sales by up to 10x by using Facedrip. It will help you in creating Interactive video content for your business. 

Web 3.0 is going to be the next big thing as the popularity of NFTs, crypto, and gaming is increasing. The metaverse is also becoming a reality. Facebook is committing its entire brand to metaverse and Web 3.0. Top tech companies are betting big on the rise of Web 3.0. 

You might think that all these things are not relevant for business owners. However, online businesses and marketers need to develop more unique and product-specific content in the future. This type of content will help you in targeting your customers. You can provide a localized and personalized shopping experience to your customers. This can be done by understanding the buying and consumption patterns of your users.

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Interactive videos will help you in solving this problem. According to research, more than 90% of marketers think that interactive content is helping them in attracting more customers. Interactive content is helping marketers in differentiating from their competitors. This type of content can generate 5x more traffic when compared to static content. 

Local businesses are spending a huge amount of money on these interactive videos. Every business is using online platforms for getting more leads and sales. However, 80% of businesses are still using complicated and expensive video tools for creating boring videos. 50% of businesses are spending around $500 on every single video. An average business is spending around $5000 every month on generating video content only. 

Businesses need access to powerful tools which can help them in generating the best video content at the lowest price. If you are also facing this problem, then we have a solution for you. Facedrip can help you in creating interactive videos like blog videos, sales videos, and video ad campaigns at a very low price. These videos are very high-quality in nature and they will help you in generating a huge amount of traffic. 

What is Facedrip?

Facedrip is an AI-assisted video creation app. This is the first video creation app in the world that is using Artificial intelligence for generating perfect content. It will help you in getting more leads, sales, clicks, bookings, signups, and conversions. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps:

1. Create a video 

You need to first decide the video that you want to create. This can be a product demo, VSLs, a sales video, training videos, and affiliate review videos. You can use the built-in video creation service for generating and uploading video content. It will help you in adding interactive elements to your video.

2. Host your video 

The best thing about Facedrip is that you don’t need to worry about storage space for your videos. You can use their free hosting service for uploading and hosting your videos.

3. Market with videos 

You can use these videos for marketing your products. They will help you in getting more leads. You can generate content based on your engagement data and user preferences. Add links to your services and products in your video. This will help you in increasing your sales. 

Facedrip Features 

Facedrip offers these main features to their users:

  • Record and upload videos: You can record or upload your videos to the Facedrip platform. They will even allow you to import videos from other platforms. Once you are done with video creation you can directly upload your video on their hosting service.
  • Increase conversion with videos: You can replace your boring static messages with personalized and targeted video messages. Facedrip will help you in adding CTA buttons to your messages and videos.
  • Increase sales with videos: Facedrip is also offering an advanced page builder to its users. This will help you in creating high-converting sales pages for your products. You can add call-to-action buttons on these sales pages for increasing your sales.
  • Targeted Video Campaigns: You can run Video SMS or Video Email campaigns. This will help you in increasing your click-through and open rates by over 500%. 

Who should use Facedrip?

Facedrip is perfect for anyone who wants to boost their product sales. Video marketers, affiliate marketers, coaches, influencers, YouTubers, freelancers, local agencies, and newbies can use Facedrip for creating interactive video content. 

Every business needs to increase its digital presence in this age. You can’t expand your business in the future if you don’t have a strong digital presence. Facedrip will help you in taking your digital business to the next level. 

You can create high-converting interactive videos by using this application. These videos will ultimately help you in increasing your traffic and sales. There is no reason to ignore this amazing software until you don’t want to increase your sales. 


Facedrip is the best Video Creation software for business owners. It will help you in generating highly personalized videos for your customers. You will also get access to a free hosting service. Facedrip is also offering a huge bonus on their products. All these tools and content will ultimately help you in taking your digital business to the next level.

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