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Recruitment is extremely important for all businesses. For one, through recruitment, businesses gain skilled employees who can improve their daily operations and increase their chances of success. Recruitment also helps businesses create a positive brand in the industry. 

Whether you have an in-house recruitment team or hire pros (and, then, avail of recruitment agency insurance) your business can’t thrive long-term without successful recruitment. This is the reason why it’s crucial to look into the challenges recruiters are facing nowadays.

As a business owner, you should be conscious of these problems and come up with appropriate solutions. The sooner you do this, the faster for your recruitment team to get back on track. 

Here are three of the biggest challenges recruiters are facing right now:

1. Adapting To Remote Work

The pandemic urged businesses worldwide to adapt to the work-from-home setup. There were hesitations at first, but, today, more business owners are planning to implement the setup permanently because of the money they save. 

Adapting to a work-from-home setup has been a challenge for many recruiters for two reasons: one, recruiters have to learn how to use various apps and software, and, second, they need to properly assess applicants without in-person interviews. The first problem is common among older recruiters but can be learned in time. The second problem is more significant as in-person interviews are crucial to assess the body language of the applicant. An applicant’s body language can reveal whether they’re confident, focused, or goal-oriented. 

When interviews aren’t done personally, recruiters will also have a hard time assessing the personality of the applicant. This can result in hiring the wrong persons and letting go of applicants who are actually a fit for the company. 

2. Creating A Connection With Applicants

Creating a connection is crucial for both the recruiter and the applicant. Once the recruiter has built a connection, it’ll be easier for them to assess whether the applicant’s personality and skills suit the company. Applicants, on the other hand, will use that connection to decide if the company is the right fit for them. 

Another challenge that recruiters are facing today is building that connection with applicants. Since hiring processes are done online today, it’ll be challenging for recruiters to gauge the personality and skills of the applicants and impress them with what the company can offer. 

Not being able to create that connection is often reason enough for applicants to abandon the hiring process. When this happens, recruiters have to go back to square one and scout for qualified applicants again.

3. Handling Onboarding Remotely

Recruiters don’t only have to look for and interview talents. They’re also responsible for training them and ensuring that they’re ready on their first day of work. Onboarding processes were straightforward pre-pandemic, but everything changed when recruiters started to work virtually.

Today, recruiters are challenged in handling onboarding, particularly in these situations:

  • Preparing the hardware and making sure that the applicant follows: If your business provides hardware to new recruits, sending these to their addresses will require a lot of time and effort. This can mean waiting for days or weeks before the new hire starts to work.
    If your company has to share several apps or software with new hires, recruiters have to walk through the new hires on how to use them. This process can be very time-consuming, especially for new hires who don’t have any experience using the company’s preferred software and apps. This, still, doesn’t include the delays caused by signal or Internet interruptions, and conflicts of schedules. 
  • Getting ready for signing the contract: Contract signing is an important phase in recruitment as it gives the company proof that the new hire is willing to work and meet the responsibilities asked by the company. However, contract signing has also become a problem among many recruiters as they can’t serve the document in a friendly manner or provide answers to any query on the spot.
  • Meeting managers and colleagues: To make the new hire feel at ease, it’s important to introduce them to the managers and company staff. This is also a great way of letting the new hire know who their immediate bosses are and who they should ask for help. A meet-and-greet session is easy in a physical office, but when done virtually, even setting up one can become a problem. For one, recruiters need to make sure that the managers and staff are on their devices at a specific time in order to meet the new hire. 

Look For Solutions ASAP

Now that you know the challenges faced by recruiters today, sit down with your team and create courses of action. These issues are caused by the pandemic, but might change the business landscape forever, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible.

By admin