Best Cities for Cycling in the US

What Are the Best Cities for Cycling in the US?

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Are you a fan of the great outdoors? Do you enjoy spending quality family time in nature? You’re not alone!

America has seen a massive surge in interest in outdoor activities over the past few years. Why keep to yourself and stay indoors when you can head outside and breathe in fresh air while enjoying fun activities with loved ones?

One of the best and most enjoyable ways to explore America’s most scenic areas is by bike. But how do you know which best cities for cycling in the U.S.?

Keep reading to learn about some top destinations to consider exploring by bicycle.

Denver, Colorado

Denver, Colorado, is one of the best cities for cycling in the United States. With over 850 miles of biking pathways and trails, this city offers bicycle enthusiasts a diverse selection of terrain and some of the best urban vistas in the country. It has the largest cycling infrastructure in the US, boasting more than 5,000 bikes available for public use via the city’s B Cycle program.

Denver also has many cycling organizations and events taking place throughout the year. It makes it easy to join a group and take advantage of the city’s many cycling opportunities.

Denver has plenty of bike shops to cater to a wide variety of needs and services. Denver is an ideal location for cycling, whether you’re looking for a ride or a challenging mountain bike trail.

Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon, is one of the best biking cities in the US. With more than 350 miles of bikeways and lanes, Portland is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the country. The city boasts a comprehensive bicycle plan with an extensive network of on-street bicycle lanes and off-street trails.

In addition to bicycle lanes, there is an increasing focus on the benefits to using electric bikes, which allow for greater distances to be traveled with less effort. Electric bikes provide a safe and efficient means of transport, reducing the need for cars and cutting down rest periods between trips.

Portland offers a variety of cycling events and activities throughout the year. It includes the world-famous Portland Bike Festival. Portland has a thriving cyclist community and encourages new cyclists with a variety of educational resources.

The city also hosts innovative projects such as Sunday Parkways, a monthly program. The city closes roads to cars and opens them to cyclists, skateboarders, and pedestrians.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota, is known as one of the most bike-friendly cities and as the “cycling capital of the Midwest”. Minneapolis is home to 84 miles of bike and pedestrian paths and 150 miles of bike lanes. The city’s infrastructure is focused on making it easier and more enjoyable to get around on two wheels.

Minneapolis is a great place to bike because of its beautiful scenery and active cycling community. The city also hosts several cycling events throughout the year, including the annual Minneapolis Bike Tour.

Whether it’s for serious competitors or casual riders, this tour offers something for everyone. Minneapolis also has many bike shops where you can buy new or used bikes and get repairs done.

Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas, is one of the best cities for cycling in the US. Austin is a Bronze Bicycle-Friendly Community with over 300 miles of dedicated bikeways. This includes bike lanes, paths, and on-street routes.

The city is also one of the few that has earned a five-star rating from the Bicycle Access Council. The city offers a variety of terrain, from easy to challenging rides, so cyclists of all skill levels can enjoy the city. Austin provides a range of bike events throughout the year, such as the Austin Tweed Ride, the XC Freeride event, and the Red Bull Rampage.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois, is one of the best cycling cities in the United States due to its expansive municipal bike-sharing program, Divvy. Divvy is the largest system of its kind in the nation, with over 7,000 bikes available in over 700 locations. The city has also been recognized for its outstanding bike tours, with companies like the acclaimed Chicago Bicycle Company offering guided tours of the city and its surrounding neighborhoods.

The biking infrastructure consists of an extensive network of bike lanes, trails, bridges, and greenways. The city has taken steps to make cycling in Chicago safer by investing in bike safety projects and creating an extensive bike infrastructure plan.

The city’s goal is to create a rider-friendly environment to make cycling a more attractive form of transportation. The city offers an ideal combination of opportunities for both recreational and commuter cycling, making it one of the best cycling cities in the US.

New York City

The vast and expansive city of New York has become renowned as one of the best cities for cycling in the US. Providing ample choice in terrain and plenty of cycle paths, cyclists are often found whizzing around the city in their thousands on any given day.

Highlights of New York’s cycling splendor include the Prospect Park loop, a five-mile loop through Brooklyn’s park and beyond, and the Hudson River Park greenway, which is an altogether more leisurely journey along a flat path lined by trees and offering breathtaking views of New York. Bike hopping is a great way to explore the city.

Hire a bike at one of many rental shops, complete your tourist adventure, and then return it for a fraction of the price of public transport. The cycle lanes around Manhattan have been extended further over the years. It allows cyclists to whiz from end to end of the city, making New York City one of the best cities for cycling in the US.

Discover the Best Cities for Cycling in the US

The US has made great progress in creating bike-friendly cities, making cycling a safe and enjoyable mode of transport. From Portland, Oregon, to Chicago, Illinois, cities around the US are making strides to improve their bike infrastructure and provide cyclists with a safer environment. Invest in the best bike for you, grab your helmet, and explore the amazing cities for cycling routes in America has to offer.

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