SEO Audit Report: How To Create?

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Many commercial projects on the Internet are doomed to failure, since the site owners do not have a single idea of ​​the promotion methods. If your company is faced with a similar problem and if the flow of customers does not increase, but continues to be at a rather low level, then you need to contact SEO promotion professionals and use SEO audit services.

In a broad sense, SEO audit is a detailed analysis of a commercial site in order to identify the reasons for low ranking in search results.

The check is carried out using a whole range of measures, which includes: analysis of the semantic core, site structure, content, filling in meta tags, external and internal links, backlinks from US websites, as well as a number of other technical parameters.

This service will allow you to fully identify errors in the promotion and make effective decisions to correct the shortcomings.

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the SEO analysis and the measures taken are to increase the number of visitors by improving the search results.

Each site is individual and requires an appropriate approach. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the industry and many other parameters when choosing a strategy.

The specialists of our web studio SEO MASTER will perform the analysis procedure efficiently, quickly and at the best price. Upon completion of the analysis, the customer receives a technical assignment, completing which can significantly increase the flow of customers and profits.

Components of seo audit for your site

SEO audit is a complex service that consists of several standardized stages. With this approach, it becomes possible to check the site in all directions, and here are more details. Site analysis is carried out according to the following plan:

Indexing performance

Determining the presence of a site in the index of the search engine and the effectiveness of indexing. This measure allows you to check the presence of the project in the index and the number of pages in the search.

Anti-plagiarism text

Checking site texts for uniqueness. Search engines have certain algorithms that allow you to determine the uniqueness of content. When using plagiarism, the PS imposes filters that negatively affect search results. If you have such problems, we suggest using the services of our copywriters and rewriters. Also, our specialists check the site for duplicates.

“Black” promotion methods

The use of “black” promotion methods and their availability. In modern practice, “white and black” promotion methods are used. In this case, the latter, sooner or later, leads to the imposition of search engine filters. The presence of such mechanisms implies work to get rid of them and use affordable link building. Are there sanctions? We will help you to remove them!

Reference mass

Checking outbound link mass. Excessive link mass to various resources is outright spam. It is necessary to analyze all the links, some will need to get rid of or close from indexing.

Optimizing content

Checking the site structure and internal optimization. Analysis allows you to determine the work on the internal structure of the project, its sections, content optimization. This process is one of the key, therefore, this issue needs to be given special attention.

Site filling frequency

Tracking the frequency of filling the site and updating old content. The more often articles appear on the site, the greater the effect the site receives at the exit.

Parsing errors in HTML code

Analysis of errors in HTML code. Bad indexing and underestimation of positions in search results can be caused by incorrect layout and HTML-code, experts will check this position and give recommendations.

External link audit

Audit of external links from third-party resources. Experts check the quality of incoming links, their spam and determine the risks of applying filters.

Website loading speed

Determination of the site loading speed. For many search engines, website loading speed is an important parameter. Therefore, you need to track the speed of loading to increase the attractiveness for the robot and people.

Results of the seo-audit of the site

Summing up the work done. After a complete audit, our specialists will prepare a report and terms of reference, the implementation of the points of which will allow you to achieve the desired results, increasing the site’s position, traffic and company profit. Therefore, we do not recommend wasting time, contact our web studio SEO Master and you will be provided with effective assistance.

Don’t waste your time, start developing your site in a timely manner, and it will soon bring great results!

What will the customer get from the audit of their website?

  • A detailed report on all areas of SEO-website promotion, indicating errors and the need to take “rehabilitation” measures;
  • A complete list of reasons for SEO stagnation, opportunities for developing the potential of a web resource;
  • Correction of key queries, expansion of the semantic core, as well as work with existing texts;
  • Development of a strategy for further search engine promotion in the form of a clear and detailed list.

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