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Telegram is rapidly developing. In addition to the functions we are used to (chats, groups, conversations), there are more innovative options in it. There is always Telegram promotion on UseViral going on regularly. Telegram was the first messenger that used bots. Previously, bots simply imitated communication, but now they are replacing search engines and even entire software.

What are the best bots for Telegram and can you get the Telega Telegram bots list for free? These are profiles in Telegram, which are controlled by special software. And in some cases, they are even equipped with artificial intelligence functionality. Such bots are aimed at training, searching, integration with other services, and also setting commands for third-party services. In other words, when we talk about the use of such robots, we mean increasing the level of service.

There are a huge number of different assistants in Telegram. You can distinguish them from ordinary users by the “bot” inscription in the name. Well, here is the Telegram chat bot list of different types:

  1. Chat bots. They are a simple imitation of the interlocutor, talking on the topics the user needs. They often imitate consultants with pre-prepared answers. Banks and large stores often use such bots instead of Call-center operators.
  2. Informants. The main goal is to inform users about events or some kind of news. The simplest use of such a bot is to send messages to the user about exchange rates, the latest news, a list of upcoming events in the city, etc.
  3. Gaming. Such bots allow you to play different games.
  4. Assistants. They are used primarily by online services. They help understand the functionality and work.
  5. Combined. In reality, most bots use combined mechanics and combine several types. With the help of combined bots, you can both successfully learn and be informed about various thematic events.

So, bots are special programs that automatically perform various actions following the prescription. That is, these are programs for performing routine boring but necessary work. It looks like these actions are performed by real users, not machines.

Telegram Bots Catalog for You from Telega.io

Telega.io is an advertising exchange in the Telegram messenger. With the help of this project, channel owners can find a target audience and advertisers can launch effective campaigns using a selected Telegram bots list. The Telega.io exchange combines many advertising offers in proven bots and messenger channels. The following services are available for advertisers:

  • Telegram bots catalog;
  • Catalog of all Telegram channels;
  • Purchase of reposts;
  • Package services.

Telega.io gives advertisers free analytics that allows them to view the cost of 1,000 views in different channels and through separate chats. Here are the details of Telegram Bulk Message Sender if you are looking for your business.

Here is the bot list Telegram that Telega.io offers:

  • Livegram Bot
  • Adclickersbot
  • Fovbot
  • AnonyMeet
  • Youtube Downloader
  • Link To FIles Bot
  • Series Collection Bot
  • XTZ | Airdrop
  • Nano Official
  • NFLK Bot

In conclusion, we can say that Telega.io is an exchange that is used not only by advertisers who look for the best list of all Telegram bots but also by channel owners. There is a possibility of its monetization because it is possible to buy and place advertisements there.

By Sethu