The Benefits of Owning a Limited Edition English willow Cricket Bat

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A cricket bat is the most important equipment for a batter. Cricket bats are mainly manufactured from English willow. Many people also opt for customised English willow bats.

The balance, toughness, durability, and shock resistance depend entirely on the willow type used in the cricket bat and its grain structure.

Herein, we will discuss the benefits that a player receives by owning a limited edition English willow bat.

Improvement of performance

Your game solely depends on the bat you choose; therefore, you need to select the willow carefully and wisely. The Limited Edition cricket bat is made from finest graded English Willow.


The English willow is grown in damper, colder conditions. Also, the wood needs to be more durable to suit the environment. The fibres of an English willow are hard and denser, enabling an English willow bat to last longer. Concisely, The English willow bats provide high-durable performance to the players.


The Limited Edition cricket bats are made from English willow that are lightweight, which helps in making bats that have light pickup and faster swing speed.

Maximum Power shot

The Limited Edition provides a better thump that aids in offering maximum power of the shots to the players. Furthermore, The bats are made from the top grade English willow, designed especially for players who love to hit the ball directly.

From the above information, you must be aware of the benefits of English Willow bats. Moreover, choosing the right bat makes all the difference in your game. Let’s delve into some of the tips to choose the right cricket bat that will work best for you;

The right size

Your height is the determining factor when deciding to buy a cricket bat. You will find playing with a giant bat challenging if you are a short player. Likewise, it will be difficult for a taller batsman to play with a miniature bat.

Ideal weight

The bat weight is an essential factor that can immensely impact your game. Heavier weights can make more of an impact on the ball and are enduring. However, the increased weight can be harder for some players to handle. A heavier bat is used for the aim of big hitting and offensive stroke play, whereas a lighter weight is used for defensive stroke play.

Handle type

The type of handle is understandably an essential part of the bat. You will need a comfortable grip to control the bat. Also, ensure that the handle absorbs impact and shock from the ball so that you don’t feel it in your hand.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right bat enables you to enjoy the game of cricket even more. If you want to buy limited edition English willow bat, then you should also know that you can customize the bat entirely according to your requirements.

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