4 Content Marketing Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Business’s Growth

It’s no secret that content marketing is a powerful tool for driving business growth.  In fact, research shows that 91% of marketers use content marketing as part of their business strategy. Around 31.8% of organizations achieve 27.1% growth rates as a direct result of their content marketing efforts. This data proves that businesses investing in…

A Beginner’s Guide on Instagram Vs. Pinterest

With billions of active users on social media and digital marketing through photos and videos, it is clear that visual material is always available to any business or marketer. Companies and digital marketers will find that using photographs and videos to represent their brands, raise brand recognition, and expand their consumer base is a successful…

Does The Perfect Small Business Website Exist: Here Is How You Can Build One

Running a small business is no mean feat. Ask any small business owner, and they will tell you how they are always struggling with increasing competition, employee troubles, statutory compliances, and diminishing marketing budgets.  While a majority of small business owners agree that having a website will help them open a new channel for leads…

eCommerce Essentials: 5 Website Features Your Customers Will Love

Perhaps you’ve invested in a creative design studio to make your website look incredible. You’ve gotten some exceptional copy written, and everything looks good, but it’s still not getting the results you want.  With so many factors at play in the user experience (UX), it can be hard to determine why your website isn’t quite…

E-Commerce: Top 5 Strategies to Grow Your SME

When it comes to small to medium-sized enterprises, growing your business can be incredibly difficult. Studies show that only around 40 percent of startups manage to get through their first three years. In a saturated market, you need key processes in place to oust the competition, increase revenue and boost profitability. Here are 5 effective…

Top 6 Social Media Tactics To Promote Your Brand

Every company wishes to build a brand. A brand’s reputation may be built through various methods, including PPC and SEO. However, the most amazing of these strategies is social media marketing. In reality, social media is the only medium that produces long-term outcomes in a short time! By establishing social networking, you may increase client…

Common Reasons You May Need a New E-commerce Developer

Today’s digital age has changed the way consumers and businesses operate. The internet has made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to sell their products and services through eCommerce. eCommerce is the fastest-growing online retail sector, with retail ecommerce sales rising at a rate of almost 20 percent annually. This is largely because…